IntelliJ IDEA License Server v1.6










链接: 密码: xxc2

标签: none

已有 425 条评论

  1. iylen iylen

    开始提示了 坐等1.7

    1. 聪神 聪神

      坐等1.7 不知道开放不开发源码?

  2. kictto kictto


  3. 小蒋 小蒋


    1. Tao Tao


      最新版本的 Intellij 也提示 证书服务器过期

  4. kenzo kenzo

    提示检测到过期的证书服务器 +1, 坐等1.7

  5. Outdated License Server Detected +1

  6. hay hay

    Outdated License Server Detected(from V1.5)

  7. jdun jdun

    Outdated License Server Detected +1

  8. ddjoker ddjoker

    rover12421 大神 已出CDKEY算法 支持2018.1.5 大家可以去膜拜一下

    1. RaCyan RaCyan


      1. ddjoker ddjoker

        @RaCyan 我分流一个 7天有效 大家注意自留
        链接: 密码: beiq

        1. RaCyan RaCyan



          1. Anson Liao Anson Liao


    2. xiaojiang xiaojiang



      1. kikt kikt

        之前用过server激活方式的 先在Register里 Remove License

        然后再获取key 放在config目录下 这样就是用code激活了

        1. Anson Liao Anson Liao



        2. xiaojiang xiaojiang


          1. fuwu1245 fuwu1245

            我这边Mac下可以激活 Windows下不可以激活

  9. shihuang214 shihuang214

    Outdated License Server Detected +1

  10. Ozora Ozora

    Outdated License Server Detected +1

  11. Tsubasa Tsubasa

    Outdated License Server Detected +1

  12. bo bo

    Outdated License Server Detected +1 (1.6)

  13. Shutbug Shutbug

    Wish there was a source for the Server code. I have a keygen for the new software, shouldn't be to difficult to patch the server to accommodate the new license requirements. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    1. John John

      @Shutbug Care to share the keygen?

    2. Anson Liao Anson Liao


      Works for my idea, thanks for your instruction

    3. Anson Liao Anson Liao


      Works for my idea, thanks for your instruction

  14. Shutbug Shutbug

    Run it: java - jar jetbrainskeygen0.2.jar
    Save the key to the preferences directory of the program you ran the keygen for.

    1. Charles Charles

      @ShutbugThank you. It's working for me.

    2. Jimmy Jimmy


    3. John John

      @ShutbugThanks bro! ReSharper still seems to accept the license server but for the idea's this is brilliant!

    4. John John

      @ShutbugThanks bro! ReSharper still seems to accept the license server but for the idea's this is brilliant!

    5. Andrew Andrew

      @Shutbugis this address still available, or is it just me that can't visit?Any other way to get the jar?

    6. Giel Giel


      Is it possible to update it with Resharper support?

    7. Mrx Mrx


      Hi! What is the phpstorm directory?? Sorry but it does not work for me and I think I pasted on a wrong directory

    8. endside endside

      @Shutbug Thanks a lot! It works for me.

    9. 爱因斯坦福 爱因斯坦福

      I's work on MacOS, thank you

  15. Rover12421 已经新出了破解补丁了,我看到有外国网友在大神的补丁基础上封装了一下,就顺道写了个破解的教程,可以解决“Outdated License Server Detected.” 的问题,戳这里:

    1. Monalisaeyes Monalisaeyes


      1. @Monalisaeyes是本地激活,我不知道可不可以封装成服务器版本,等懂这个的大神们更新吧,反正暂时能用就行。

        1. Monalisaeyes Monalisaeyes


          1. @Monalisaeyes嗯嗯,也是可以用的,如果不爽那个服务器版本过期的提醒,可以用 R 大新的补丁破解

    2. fuwu1245 fuwu1245

      @lattecat@Monalisaeyes试了下 Mac下可以完美激活 Webstorm 2018.1.5版本 到了Win10下 却始终无法激活 有解决办法不

      1. @fuwu1245是不是 Windows 下的“Config”路径弄错了?Windows 和 Mac 下的这个路径是不一样的,具体可以查看这个链接

  16. Anson Liao Anson Liao

    Intellij 1.6已经无法使用R大的本地激活方式进行激活,请谨慎更新妳的jetbrains产品。

    1. Anson Liao Anson Liao

      @Anson Liao
      更正: 是Intellij 2018.1.6

  17. Bill Gates Bill Gates

    outdated server detected fix:!0UFhCILD!22mF0PaaAjpYMn4neU8xOA

    1. John John

      @Bill Gates
      Doesn't fix the outdated server message. It just licenses the products a different way so you can even use them offline (excluding Resharper).

  18. Terry Terry

    Outdated License Server Detected +1 (v1.6)

  19. 慕枫 慕枫


    1. 慕枫 慕枫


  20. 2018.2.x key gen not working anymore 2018.2.x key gen not working anymore

    @John seams that your crack is not working anymore with the latest update... any chance you will update it ?

    BTW: Thanks for the great tool!

    1. John John

      @2018.2.x key gen not working anymoreHi, I am not the creator of this tool, just a user myself as well.
      You have triggered my interest? Which latest update are you talking about? I'm running the latest of DataGrip, PhpStorm and WebStorm and the keyfile works on all. Just tried the 2018.2 public preview but there it of course doesn't work since it's licensed to EAP User (as it's a test).

      1. 2018.1.6 key gen not working anymore 2018.1.6 key gen not working anymore


        Sorry My mistake : It was IDEA 2018.1.6 not 2018.2.x ....

        Anyway seams that with IDEA 2018.1.6 it won't work.

        1. John John

          @2018.1.6 key gen not working anymore Does work for me. Did you put the file in the right folder?

          1. 2018.1.6 key gen not working anymore 2018.1.6 key gen not working anymore


            Isn't it "~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea2018.1" ?

            I've tried again but nope.

          2. John John


            Nope, "~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea2018.1/config/"

          3. 2018.1.6 key gen not working anymore 2018.1.6 key gen not working anymore


            neither "~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea2018.1/config/" seams to work for me... :-(
