已有 136 条评论

  1. yaleond yaleond

    cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

    1. yaleond yaleond


  2. Leo Leo

    @Leo https://i.gyazo.com/6037e6e2980f9b2acad66fb3e243818a.png"Error when serving connection": https://i.gyazo.com/6037e6e2980f9b2acad66fb3e243818a.png

  3. Leo Leo

    @Leo I figure it out. For Resharper v2017.1.1 need to use license server v1.1. For other jetbrains need to use license server v1.3.

  4. Leo Leo

    @Leo@Leo license server v1.3 cannot resolve "ping.action" so you need license server v1.1 to fix.

  5. kotozhuk kotozhuk

    Do you have any plans to release this server code as open source?

  6. 何方 何方


  7. owl owl


  8. anon anon

    for macOS sierra error -> Killed 9.

    See thread at https://github.com/shirou/gopsutil/issues/339
    Go 1.8.1 fixes this problem.

    Tmp fix, change
    `go build`
    `go build -ldflags=-s`

  9. Anonymous Anonymous

    Mac OS High Sierra / XCode 9 fails to execute with Segmentation fault: 11

  10. 偶尔的提示“open IntelliJIDEALicenseServer.html: no such file or directory”,但是webstorm能激活,软件运行正常,IntelliJIDEALicenseServer.html文件也在那里面正常的放着

  11. xiaoqi xiaoqi

    大佬,2018.3.2 支持激活么
