已有 136 条评论

  1. Open Open


    607875500 OK 1472534699254 1 licensee=xx licenseType=0

  2. 荒野无灯 荒野无灯

    有没有 mips 版的?

  3. jiefan jiefan

    google 和百度盘 连接都失效了

    1. @jiefan

  4. 用户233 用户233


    1. @用户233

  5. zevwings zevwings

    我想问一下,Mac 执行 sudo ./IntelliJIDEALicenseServer_darwin_amd64 Killed: 9 是什么原因呢?

  6. Andrey Andrey

    Hello. Thank you for license server. Can you public source?

  7. Ken Ken

    When running in macOS sierra GM, "Killed: 9" is output and the program is terminated.

    1. @Ken

      i have this problem too。
      at first,i think change gatekeeper permission like `sudo spctl --master-disable` may be can solve this.
      but not.it seems this program need to be modify for new macOS

  8. 53333434 53333434

    Thank you very much for the lincese server. You have done an amassing job.
    I don't know how to thank you because i don't have a credit card nor any other way to pay online, if i had i would donate something for you for sure.

    I am a very grateful Cuban Software Developer / Engineer .
    var Thank you very much*=infinity;

  9. Abel Abel

    Sorry, the translation of user name was wrong and i entered my number.

    Thank you very much for the lincese server. You have done an amassing job.
    I don't know how to thank you because i don't have a credit card nor any other way to pay online, if i had i would donate something for you for sure.

    I am a very grateful Cuban Software Developer / Engineer .
    var Thank you very much*=infinity;

  10. sierra sierra

    刚刚升级的mac os x sierra 10.12 无法运行 IntelliJIDEALicenseServer_darwin_amd64

    1. sierra sierra

      upx 脱壳后可以正常使用

      1. liusese liusese


  11. fixer fixer

    upx -d IntelliJIDEALicenseServer_darwin_386

  12. John John

    @ilanyu Hi, Thanks for your contribution. Please can you share JRebel/XRebel server code so that it can be run on localhost. Thanks

  13. elSmoko elSmoko

    Thanks @fixer. Unpacking the upx packed archive works for me on Sierra. You need to install upx if you don't have it yet: brew install upx

    Then run upx -d IntelliJIDEALicenseServer_darwin_386

    You should then be able to run this on Sierra without it being killed.

  14. Patrick P. Patrick P.

    非常感谢大神楼主提供的激活工具!目前有个运行问题想请教一下楼主:之前在OS X 10.11 下程序运行非常正常,前段时间升级到10.12后,每次运行您的文件都会被kill掉 (显示xxxx killed: 9)。您觉得是什么原因?谢谢!

    1. @Patrick P.

      1. Patrick P. Patrick P.


        1. beninu beninu

          @Patrick P.

        2. beninu beninu

          @Patrick P.

          1 安装upx
          brew install upx
          2 解压应用
          upx -d IntelliJIDEALicenseServer_darwin_amd64


  15. seed seed

    请问,我在windows下双击就可以了。但是在ubuntu 16.04 32位中,运行sudo ./IntelliJIDEALicenseServer_linux_386 会提示找不到命令,运行./IntelliJIDEALicenseServer_linux_386则是提示没有权限。双击的话会提示没有关联的程序。请问应该怎么设置?我翻看了以前的文章,好象只有windows的说明。

    1. seed seed

      解决了。翻看了以前的留言,需要先chmod a+x IntelliJIDEALicenseServer_linux_386,
      再使用sudo ./IntelliJIDEALicenseServer_linux_386来执行,如果不用sudo则会提示listen tcp4 :1017: bind: permission denied

      1. @seed

        1. meijie meijie

          works like a charm

  16. 请问 CentOS 下提示 Bus error 是什么原因?

  17. nemo nemo


    1. 蛋

      @nemo 用nssm自己添加个service

  18. 命令启动后独占shell,即使末尾加上&也无效,配置成service后,systemctl start一样会独占shell

    1. 蛋

      systemd service file:

      Description=*Anything you like*


    2. 蛋




  19. 系统 win 10
    IDE WebStorm 2016.2.4

  20. 从1.0到1.3的所有版本的linux_386和linux_amd64在ubuntu 14.04 64位系统和centos6.5以上的64位系统中打开显示segmentation fault。vps是在阿里云上的,应该不会是我自己有问题,我换了好几个服务器试了。

    1. @Pure White
      没那多服务器,我这边试了ubuntu 10.10 x86、 centos 7.1 x64、红帽企业版 6.7 x64,均没有问题
