Jrebel for Android 通用破解工具



  1. 下载 JrebelForAndroidCrack.jar 并复制到 D盘根目录.
  2. 右键我的电脑->属性->高级->中设置环境变量 JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS , 值为 -javaagent:D:/JrebelForAndroidCrack.jar


  1. 下载 JrebelForAndroidCrack.jar 并复制到 /usr/local/javaagent/ 目录中.
  2. 在设置环境变量的脚本中添加 export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-javaagent:/usr/local/javaagent/JrebelForAndroidCrack.jar

最后随便找一个我以前发的破解版 Jrebel for Android 插件中的授权文件, 激活即可.

测试 Win 10 Pro x64 , Ubuntu 16.04 x64 通过.



标签: none

已有 48 条评论

  1. Threshold Threshold


  2. xy xy

  3. tudou tudou


    1. @tudou

  4. Seto Seto

    我之前也想过写一个agent,不过,后来一想,JRebel for Android不是还有一个dist,属于runtime的么。。用agent应该只能破解ide里面的验证吧?

  5. Waizau Waizau

    Note: As of Android Studio 2.0, you can create/edit this file by accessing the "Edit Custom VM Options" file from the Help menu.
    add “-javaagent:/the/path/for/JrebelForAndroidCrack.jar”
    maybe this way is better than add it into the system environment.

    1. @Waizau
      这样不行, jrebel for android 插件有两个jar包里都有验证机制, 加到VM Options里, 只能干掉一个jar包里的, 另外一个jar包是被干掉的这个jar包通过命令行启动的, 不是android studio启动的

  6. 芜名 芜名


    1. @芜名
      目测环境变量有点问题, 需要配置到系统的全局环境变量, 不是bash的环境变量

  7. 芜名 芜名

    要命的是,老版本也不能用了,我删除了系统中与jreble相关的文件,还是不行,没得用了 - -

  8. 大熊猫 大熊猫

    Mac 配置了你说的环境变量 , 找到你之前的1.2.14 破解中的授权文件 ,不能激活 !不知道是我什么地方步骤做错了 ,你能不能什么时候出个mac 呢 ?

  9. Kev Kev


  10. 路卡 路卡

    在android stuido 目录下studio.exe.vmoptions 中加上一句下面这个更省事。

    -javaagent:D:\Program Files\Android\JrebelForAndroidCrack.jar

    1. @路卡

  11. wshk wshk


    1. @wshk
      目测Linux的时候, 环境变量没加对位置

      1. wshk wshk

        sudo subl ~/.bashrc
        export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_101
        export JRE_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}/jre
        export CLASSPATH=.:${JAVA_HOME}/lib:${JRE_HOME}/lib
        export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:$PATH
        export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-javaagent:/usr/lib/jvm/javaagent/JrebelForAndroidCrack.jar

        1. @wshk
          不是, 不能加在~/.bashrc的,这样加的, 是bash的环境变量, 不是系统全局的环境变量

        2. @wshk
          ubuntu的是在/etc/profile.d/*.sh, deepin不清楚



          Files with the .sh extension in the /etc/profile.d directory get executed whenever a bash login shell is entered (e.g. when logging in from the console or over ssh), as well as by the DisplayManager when the desktop session loads.

          You can for instance create the file /etc/profile.d/myenvvars.sh and set variables like this:

          export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.7.0
          export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

          1. wshk wshk


  12. Hieu Hieu

    Hi lanyus,
    Does this still work for v2.0.40?
    I downloaded your file, add to System variables but when i run Android Studio, it opens popup register 14days trial. I dont know have to do.

    1. @Hieu
      it work, you need clean your jrebel for android's data
      if you use windows, you can delete C:\Users\username\.jrebel-android

      1. Hieu Hieu

        are there any signal let me know crack works?

        1. Hieu Hieu

          I tried to clear that folder, but when i reopen Android Studio, 14days trial alert still show when i run app with jrebel

          1. @Hieu
            you can run 'java -jar' in cmd, and will show
            Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -javaagent:D:/JrebelForAndroidCrack.jar

  13. 匿名 匿名

    macOS 10.10以上参考 http://zodiacg.net/2015/04/set-environment-variables-on-yosemite/
    macOS 10.9 和10.8参考 http://zodiacg.net/2013/05/set-path-under-mac/

    我的是macOS 10.12找了半天试了半天,终于成功了

    1. hackest hackest

      具体点呢??你是怎么配置的啊?那文章 我咋看不懂

      1. 匿名 匿名


        launchctl setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/jdk1.7
        launchctl setenv MAVEN_HOME /opt/local/share/java/maven3
        launchctl setenv JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-javaagent:你的存放路径/JrebelForAndroidCrack.jar

        1. hackest hackest

          @匿名/etc/enviroment 我怎么etc目录下没这个文件啊

          1. Waizau Waizau

            直接终端命令 launchctl setenv JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS -javaagent:存放地址
            然后 killall Dock 然后就可以了

  14. henboy228 henboy228

    Does not work for v2.0.44

    1. henboy228 henboy228

      @henboy228I mean it works but when you try to launch app it fails.

  15. Waizau Waizau


  16. Viola Viola

    This method to run JRebel for Android is only valid till version 2.1.0 (8th February).

    1. @Viola
      Test version 2.1.2 is OK, maybe you need remove C:\Users\{User}\.jrebel-android

      1. Viola Viola

        I am on a mac and removed /Users/{user}/.jrebel-android, but no luck with 2.1.2.
        I stay with 2.1.0, thank you for your prompt answer ;)

      2. Viola Viola

        I don't know why, but it works now.
        Thank you :)

  17. Carlos2927 Carlos2927

    大神,用你的工具一直挺好的,但是jrebel插件升级到2.1.2后调试就不行了,怎么解决?报错原因:Cannot Debug with JRebel for Android: Could not connect to the agent. Please try again.

    1. @Carlos2927
      用这里的授权文件试试,jrebel for android分了商业版、企业版之类的, 之前没看出来区别, 不知道是不是现在开始有区别了, 授权文件不确定是否能用, 我这里暂时没测试环境

      1. henboy228 henboy228

        still not working.

  18. igoticecream igoticecream

    Hi, since a few versions back i get the following when running jrebel: JRebel for Android terminated: License file error: License verification failed.

  19. Peter Peter

    Could you please share how you made signature for the JRebel server?


  20. xsharp xsharp

    macOS 10.12.4,Android Studio 2.3,JRebel for Android 2.1.18 测试成功。
