已有 216 条评论

  1. John John

    Thanks for v1.1.2, can you post crack for v1.1.4 or tutorial regarding cracking jrebel for android.

    1. @John

      1. John John

        @ilanyu Thanks for the quick respone.

  2. gopal gopal

    for v 1.5.1

  3. hackest hackest

    Thanks for v1.1.4, can you post crack for v1.1.6 or tutorial regarding cracking jrebel for android.

  4. hackest hackest

    what the fuck! it has already updated 1.1.8!!!!

    1. yanlusu yanlusu

      @hackest, just using blog owner's license file, this is 1.1.8 cracked : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0yhd5g31i4pYXVndE40azF1Z3M/view?usp=sharing
      thanks lanyu @ilanyu
      to @ilanyu , could u tell me how to crack license file format? thanks .

    2. @hackest



      1. hackest hackest

        Awesome man! Thanks a lot!LOL

  5. John John

    I am not able to run any app using Jrebel android. It is giving runtime exception for both v 1.1.6 and v1.1.8. Does anyone able to deploy app with latest version?

    1. @John
      remove C:\Users\{User}\.jrebel-android
      try https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/download?pr=androidstudio&updateId=25159

      1. John John

        @ilanyu Thanks. Just after removing directory it works.

  6. @JDev @JDev

    Could You please explain how to install it? I have cleaned cache, installed from archive. The buttons from JRebel available, but when pressed(start with JRebel) - asks for an activation key.
    C:\Users\{User}\.jrebel-android does not exist.

    1. @@JDev

  7. hackest hackest

    Hi man,1.1.10 already updated,gimme the crack thx !

    1. @hackest

      1. hackest hackest


        The url you posted belong to 1.1.8's crack not 1.1.10

        the latest version

        1. @hackest
          sorry, it's https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bx7wGDIg2K-7THBoNVZoVHpfRnM

  8. Max Max

    1.1.14 already released. Please post the crack. Thanks!

    1. @Max

  9. slimen slimen

    Please can you explain how install the crack?

  10. oyfj oyfj

    1.2.0 please update thanks

    1. @oyfj

  11. slimen slimen

    1.2.2 please update thanks

    1. @slimen

      1. slimen slimen

        thank you very much

  12. zhou zhou

    1.2.6 please update thanks

    1. @zhou

      1. Max Max

        Thank you!

  13. slimen slimen

    1.2.8 please update thanks

  14. Max Max

    First of all thanks for this crack!

    I can't figure out how to install it properly. I tried install "from disk" using your archive/lib/jr-android-ide-studio.jar but get and exception

    Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\Users\myusername\.AndroidStudio2.1\config\plugins\jr-android-ide-studio.jar\dist\jr-android.jar (The system cannot find the path specified)

    Also tried to remove the C:\Users\{User}\.jrebel-android folder or copy files from /dist/ to it. Still no luck :(

    Could you please give some advice? Thanks.

    1. Yuaiy Yuaiy

      @Max You should use : File -> Settings ->Plugins -> Install from disk
      and then use UNZIPPED file instead - jrebel-for-android_1.2.6_crack.zip
      After first install Studio will ask you to supply LIC file. Unzip it from ZIP/jr-android-ide-studio/jrebel-android.lic and supply on request.

      Thanks a lot

      1. Max Max

        Thank you so much!

  15. arlong arlong

    1.2.8 please update thanks

    1. @arlong

  16. Atmaram Atmaram

    1.2.10 please update. Thanks

    1. @Atmaram

      1. Atmaram Atmaram


        Worked like Charm!

        1. Atmaram Atmaram


          Looks like it hangs while I apply code changes. Can you check?

          1. @Atmaram
            close android studio
            remove "C:\Users\{your name}\.jrebel-android" directory
            open android studio

  17. zhaohua zhaohua

    1.2.12 please update. Thanks.

    1. @zhaohua
      ZeroTurnaround modified verification algorithm, wait until I have time to look at

    2. toto toto


      Here is the 1.2.12 ;-)


  18. 芜名 芜名

    非常感谢您的分享,没买正版实在是因为太贵 - - 然后问一下博主每次出新版本是不是都需要来重新破解- - 如果直接更新会把破解效果弄没是吧?

    1. @芜名

  19. Yuriy Yuriy

    1.2.16 is ready. Could you please update? Thanks

    1. @Yuriy

  20. Zero Zero

    带grsecurity的Linux下无法运行(denied RWX mmap)。
    $ ./IntelliJIDEALicenseServer_linux_amd64

    1. Zero Zero

