已有 62 条评论

  1. ab ab


    1. 应该是可以的 模拟器的网络模式为桥接模式应该比NAT模式简单

  2. everthing everthing

    大神,以前电脑电脑版那个的jrebel 2018.1不能用了

  3. 塔塔 塔塔


  4. Bai Bai

    安装后连接,显示connection time out, 有碰到相同问题的吗?

  5. luamas luamas


  6. zerofeng zerofeng


  7. york york

    this license EB101IWSWD has been cacelled app 激活报错

  8. okampfer okampfer

    为什么要做成android app呢?如果用https://github.com/ilanyu/ReverseProxy可以实现吗?

    1. 无名氏 无名氏

      @okampfer 估计不想张杨吧,自己用自己手机激活,不公开,不宣传,不然官方知道了会升级封杀的,现在好像jetbrain已经升级了,2018.2版本有点报错了

    2. 无名氏 无名氏

      @okampfer 而且也方便没有自己的服务器的童鞋

  9. dimzon dimzon

    It's possible to bypass checks without another devices.
    Proof of concept:
    1) into Resharper settings point as http proxy (!)
    2) use http://anything as activation server

    So "nextgen" activation server must act like a proxy and just bypass all http requests except special registration-related...

  10. 陌上枫离落 陌上枫离落


  11. 真是6️⃣坏了

  12. sven sven

    成功了。。6的飞起, 最近jsp要考试突然发现以前的注册码都不好使了

  13. Nate Nate


  14. James James

    Outdated License Server Detected
    Your license ticket is obtained from an outdated version of the license server.
    To keep your product licensed, the license server requires an immediate update to the latest version.
    Read full details, and pass this information to the server administrator on your side.


  15. James James

    Outdated License Server Detected
    Your license ticket is obtained from an outdated version of the license server.
    To keep your product licensed, the license server requires an immediate update to the latest version.
    Read full details, and pass this information to the server administrator on your side.


  16. Nagihong Nagihong


  17. 以一敌万 以一敌万


  18. 青沙 青沙

    IDEA 2018.1.5 用手机反向代理成功激活!赞赞赞!

  19. p0mp0k0 p0mp0k0

    Outdated license server detected
    Your license ticket is obtained from an outdated version of the license server. To keep your product licensed, the license server requires an immediate update to the latest version. Read full details, and pass this information to the server administrator on your side.

  20. 感谢lanyu 感谢lanyu

